Wednesday, 14 March 2007

The first centre-right, independent, stand-alone, web-based Think Tank for health and social care was launched on 1 October 2006. was partly inspired by some CMS members wanting to enable all professionals the opportunity to get involved in thinking on health and social care. It is also unique among think-tanks in wanting to form policy proposals from the grass-roots up, giving professionals the chance to have their voice, experience and ideas heard and valued.

Led by professionals, central to the work is the building of a nationwide network of people working at all levels in the professions who want to be involved in thinking about, developing or commenting on the policy that they may well one day have to deliver.

The website enables everyone to contribute, but when people actually register on the site as Partners, this enables 2020health to contact them on in relation to their specific areas of interest and experience.

"Already we are looking at major issues of Public Health, Dentistry, NICE and the interface of science and health" says Director, Julia Manning. "It is really exciting to be able involve professionals at all levels. We have pledged too that as we develop policy ideas we will get responses from the Policy makers so there is ongoing communication with all those working with us."

Please do visit the site and register your details. If you have any queries you can contact Julia through

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